Yoga exercises focus primarily on spinal health. The spine contains the central part of the nervous system, the telegraph system of the body. The spine is the direct path of the brain, when healthy will increase the health of the entire body. Through practicing how to maintain the correct posture and flexibility gives the spine, the circulation is enhanced, the nerve ensure adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen needed to maintain body is its youthful state .
The asanas also affects the operating system inside the body, especially the graving, as these points are stimulated, it increases blood circulation of the nervous system. The different movements in the posture also helps to massage, stimulate, rejuvenate the internal organs , helping the agency operate more efficiently.
The postures are practiced with deep breathing, relaxation and concentration, so the postures also helps develop the ability to control minds, help patients reduce anxiety and feel more peaceful.
Swami Vishnu Devananda
Time: every day Morning (please phone in advance to register at the proper time). We volunteer to teach and look forward to serve all patients.
Address: 41 Phó Đức Chính, ward 1, Bình Thạnh Dist, Hồ Chí Minh city
Tel: (84-8) 3551 1818 - (84)908 92 62 88 - (84)926 85 1689
Email: [email protected]
Tel: (84-8) 3551 1818 - (84)908 92 62 88 - (84)926 85 1689
Email: [email protected]